As a trained ICF coach, I am committed to maintaining and promoting excellence in coaching. I adhere to the elements and principles of ethical conduct: to be competent and integrate ICF Core Competencies effectively in my work.
In line with the ICF core values and ICF definition of coaching, the Code of Ethics is designed to provide appropriate guidelines, accountability, and enforceable standards of conduct for all ICF Members and ICF Credential-holders. These are:
The definition of coaching:
"Partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential."
As a trained ICF Coach:
"An ICF coach agrees to practice the ICF Core Competencies and pledges accountability to the ICF Code of Ethics."
The Professional Coaching Relationship:
"A professional coaching relationship exists when coaching includes an agreement (including contracts) that defines the responsibilities of each party."
Roles in the Coaching Relationship:
"In order to clarify roles in the coaching relationship, it is often necessary to distinguish between the client and the sponsor. In most cases, the client and sponsor are the same person and are therefore jointly referred to as the client."
Conflict of Interest:
"A situation in which a coach has a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective of his or her official duties as a coach and a professional."
Professional Conduct:
As a coach, I:
Conduct myself in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics in all interactions, including coach training, coach mentoring, and coach supervisory activities and accurately identify my coaching qualifications, expertise, experience, training, certifications, and ICF Credentials, I recognize that the Code of Ethics applies to my relationship with coaching clients, coaches.
Your privacy is important to me and as an ICF credentialed coach I will maintain, store and dispose of any records, including electronic files and communications, created during my coaching engagements in a manner that promotes confidentiality, security, and privacy and complies with any applicable local laws and coaching relationship agreements. I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client and sponsor information unless release is required by law. I have a clear agreement about how coaching information will be exchanged among coach, client, and sponsor. I have a clear agreement when acting as a coach, with both client and sponsor about the conditions under which confidentiality may not be maintained and require all those who work with me in support of my clients to adhere to the ICF Code of Ethics, Number 26, Section 4, Confidentiality and Privacy Standards, and any other sections of the Code of Ethics that might be applicable. And finally, I commit to the need for the continued and ongoing development of my professional skills as an ICF credentialed coach.
As a trained ICF coach, I acknowledge and agree to honor my ethical and legal obligations to my coaching clients and sponsors, colleagues, and the public at large. I pledge to comply with the ICF Code of Ethics and to practice these standards with those whom I coach, teach or mentor.
Louise Shadbolt